How Weight Loss Can Improve Your Energy

Many people want to lose weight so that they can feel more attractive, achieve a more desirable shape, and fit into their favorite clothes. One of the additional benefits of weight loss is an improvement in your energy level. If you have been feeling sluggish and unmotivated due to weight gain or inability to lose weight, Dr. McConnell and program director Rachel Smith, DNP, ARNP, can help get you back on track with your weight loss goals at Discover Health in West Bradenton, FL.

Weight and Your Overall Health

One of the most pressing concerns for doctors and their patients is weight management. Maintaining an ideal weight for your body type and height can help make you look and feel your best as well as contribute to good mental health. Excessive weight can create a number of health challenges, including illnesses, circulation issues, sleep disorders, joint problems and lack of mobility.

How Weight Loss Can Improve Your Energy

Though many patients focus on the visual benefits of weight loss, there is another physical advantage of losing extra pounds. Weight loss can make you stronger, faster, lighter on your feet, and more energetic. Also, because you may get better, more satisfying sleep, it can revitalize you during waking hours. Carrying around less weight causes you to expend less energy when you move around, so you can do so more easily and for longer periods of time.

Ways to Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals

If you’ve been trying to lose weight on your own but have been successful, you may need a doctor-driven weight loss plan. The team at Discover Health in West Bradenton, FL will help you develop a customized strategy for losing unwanted pounds in a consistent and healthy way. That may include an analysis of your phenotype (individual characteristics and how they relate to the environment), blood tests, FDA-approved medications and customized meal plans.

Less Weight, More Energy

Weight loss can energize not just your body, but also your mind, giving you more motivation each day. Talk to a doctor to start working on a plan to realistically achieve your goal in a set time period. Call (941) 667-2796 today to schedule a weight loss appointment at Discover Health in West Bradenton, FL with Dr. McConnell or the program director, Rachel Smith, DNP, ARNP.

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